If you have spare funds lying around in a normal bank account not doing anything, you may want to look at the following deposits promotions from Maybank.
Deposit a minimum of S$58,000 to less than S$128,000 into either a Maybank Singapore Dollar Time Deposit, Savings or Current Account to receive a Happycall Direct Gas Fired Oven (worth S$189).
Deposit a minimum of S$128,000 to less than S$388,000 into either a Maybank Singapore Dollar Time Deposit, Savings or Current Account to receive a Philips Avance Juicer (worth S$289).
Deposit a minimum of S$388,000 into either a Maybank Singapore Dollar Time Deposit, Savings or Current Account to receive a LG HomBot Vacuum Cleaner (worth S$799).
Promotion is valid from 1 August 2012 till 31 October 2012. I suggest that you enquire about the availabity of the free gifts before proceeding with the deposits.
Funds must remain in Savings or Current Account for a minimum of six months.
These are the current Maybank’s Time Deposit interest rates (base on p.a.) : –
18 months, less than S$250,000 = 0.90%
18 months, S$250,000 to less than 1 million = 0.95%
24 months, less than S$250,000 = 1.0%
24 months, S$250,000 to less than 1 million = 1.10%
36 months, less than S$250,000 = 1.20%
36 months, S$250,000 to less than 1 million = 1.25%