「怕把本金输掉」 Fear of Losing Money


In my recent conversations, I noticed there exist a lot of fear in people when it comes to managing their money or taking the first step in making any investment decisions.

I’ve decided to start a new category addressing these fears, correcting false impressions, statements or myths related to money, and hopefully, this will help many more people out there change their mindset and take that first step to learn to manage money correctly.


This post is mostly written in Chinese for the benefit of a friend.



To manage money, one must have the correct money mindset! This is because how we think affects the way we do things.


为何不投资恐惧#1: 怕投资出错,把原有的资金都输掉。
Why I have yet to start investing #1: Fear of losing money if I invest.


恐惧分析: 怕的心态出自于「没知识」ignorance 和「没有妥善的理财策略」financial planning。

Root Cause: The fear is a result of ignorance and without a proper financial plan in place.


如何摆脱理财恐惧#1: 首先须了解投资并不意味着一定需要把所有的资金或「老婆本」都拿出来。可以试着只用一部份的钱来开启迈向投资的第一步。但也须做好心理准备以防万一,因为不是每一项投资都会赚钱。

我们也需要了解,钱单单放在银行不代表钱不会流失。从经济学角度而言,因通货棚展的关系,钱的价值一直在贬值。今天的100元,十年后可能只能买到价值70元得东西而已。简单说,如果银行放有一万元,十年后,在你没做任何东西的情况下,钱很有可能只剩下7000元! 所以投资不意味着一定是为了钱生钱,而更是为了「保本」。不要以为坐着不动就等于很安全!

还有 ‘Ignorance is bliss’ 这句话绝对不能用在理财这方面。因为 「无知」ignorance = 「危险」danger. 在不知道的情况下,我们的选择有限。只有不断学习,增广知识,才能为自己做出最明智的选择 (informed choice)、避免上当。


To overcome this fear, set aside an amount that you are comfortable to be used for investing. Be mentally prepared for the worst case scenario.

While doing nothing with our money seems safer than risking our money in investments, this is not true simply because of inflation. Inflation erodes the future value of our money and therefore, reduces our future spending power. At the minimum level, we need to preserve the value of our money / spending power.

Contrary to the saying, when it comes to money management, ignorance is NOT bliss! We need to learn and understand what options are available to us so that we can make informed choices to the best of our ability that suit our circumstances.


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If you find the information in this post useful, please share and encourage people to read or subscribe to my posts at www.moremorecash.com/blog or like my Moremorecash facebook page to follow me.

I will be sharing more information on wealth protection and wealth accumulation as I go along.


How to manage our money differs from person to person, no one size fits all because all of us are in different situations with different financial goals.

If you need personalized help in terms of money management or if you have any burning questions related to your finances, feel free to email me at gwenkok@moremorecash.com.


About Gwen

Business Owner, Investor. Financial Guru, Educator. My passion is in business management, financial matters and education. Combining these favourites, I manage this blog to share the importance of money protection and growth. Today, I invest in business, stocks, forex and properties. Collectively, I own two overseas properties, a commercial and an industrial property in Singapore. Update: I've since sold my industrial property for a small profit. Have a question? Email me at gwenkok@moremorecash.com
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