To manage money, one must have the correct money mindset! This is because how we think affects the way we do things.
不正确的理财方式#1: 我听“莫莫”说, 所以就跟着做。
Incorrect way to manage finances #1: I hear from xx hor, to ‘buy this, this stock will rise one, confirm plus chop’, so I followed.
要是那个对你说的人有知识或没说错,你照听或照做, 对自己的伤害还可能是零。但是,街上口沫横飞, 不懂装懂的人很多。反正给你错的讯息他们都不用负责, 所以自己还是要留一点。
分析:会盲目的听取别人所说的一切,也是因为「没知识」ignorance 和 「贪」 而产生的一种表现。
Root Cause: Again, to be totally dependent and acting on what people are telling us without any processing at all is another sign of (financial) ignorance. And greed usually plays a part in aggravating the situation.
如何纠正: 平时要多看、多学、多问。自己的钱财还是要自己理。因为亏或赚, 都是自己的责任。
现在的社会太多讯息 (information overload), 要当心什么该听, 什么又不该听。
有些人学得快, 有些人学得比较慢。不管你学快或慢都不是重点。重要的是, 自己不断的学习。偶尔,我们也有可能做了错的决定,也不要太自责。从中吸取经验更是无价。
To correct this wrong behaviour, we need to understand that we need to start learning now and to learn consistently, to build up our knowledge and confidence in the subject matter.
However, we need to be mindful of the information that we do take in as there is a lot of information out there, some more useful than the others.
Also, do not give yourself excuses when you do not perform. It is more important to learn whatever we can and learn to apply accordingly. It is also through mistakes that we learn better and to take note to avoid making the same mistake in future.
故事分享#1: 有一次, 同事在谈话对我说, 听说xx股在谈一份合约, 短期内会有上升的可能性, 值得考虑。
结果? 消息错误。
那股价因为风声已经被大众炒高了, 最后买进的人都因为跌落的股价而亏了钱。
当时的我也跟着亏了几千块。后来想想, 是因为自己懒惰, 没把功课作好也在对那间公司的运作完全不熟悉的情况下而冒了险。
Story Sharing #1: My colleague once shared with me a piece of ‘insider news’ that xx stock is in negotiation with another company for a business collaboration agreement. The stock is expected to rise.
I did what many people would do – invested heavily on this stock, without doing any research, without understanding what I was buying. And worse still, I bought this stock that deviated from my normal understanding. In other words, I bought purely based on ‘what my colleague said’.
The end result was that I lost a few thousand dollars. It was another lesson learnt. But it was a lucky thing that although I invested heavily and deviated from my normal understanding, I did not deviate from my financial management. Therefore, although I suffered losses, it was not a loss that I cannot take it in my stride.
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I will be sharing more information on wealth protection and wealth accumulation as I go along.
How to manage our money differs from person to person, no one size fits all because all of us are in different situations with different financial goals.
If you need personalized help in terms of money management or if you have any burning questions related to your finances, feel free to email me at gwenkok@moremorecash.com.