Get Started Here – On Investing



Welcome to my new ‘One Little Nut Investing’ series.

This series is very much targeted for new beginners. Many times, I encountered many people who would like to achieve success in their investment journey but didn’t know how or where to start in the first place.

I’ve been providing free advice to my close friends who expressed interest in wanting to start their own investment portfolio. And I thought I should just blog them down in words.

Common topics include: ‘With so many types of investment possibilities out there, what can we trust and not trust?’, ‘How to get started? What do I need?’, ‘Where should I start from? I feel so lost with so many information out there!’. It is based on these common questions that Little One Investing series is now borned. You’ll slowly learn to dispel these unknown fears and questions, from me.



On a side note, this is not for people who would like to start investing but absolutely refuse to take any action or refuse to do things any differently from what they have always been doing because they are too comfortable being where they are or are just simply being too skeptical.

To quote,

I can bring the horse to the water or even bring the water to the horse but I can’t make the horse drink.

Therefore, to these people, I’m sorry that I won’t be able to help.


But truly genuine people who would like to make start making that difference in their life, to start an investment portfolio, would definitely benefit from my interactions personally.

Upfront, I also have to put a disclaimer that all investments carry with them, some form of risks. And any mention of any named stock/investment by any chance, is not meant to be a recommendation. Please exercise your own judgement in this learning process.

Like I’ve mentioned, it is not up to me to decide for you what investment works and what’s not, although I do have that innate ability to be able to help people customise a suitable beginner portfolio just to get the first step moving or point them in the correct starting direction. But it is my greater aim, that through my sharing of experiences and knowledge, one will be able to learn as well as understand what risks they are able or not able to take and to get started on the path of investing.


Why ‘One Little Nut’?

Because every giant oak tree that had ever grew was once a little nut.

A successful investing path is never easy. It can be simple, but never easy. So this series name is a reminder to ourselves, never to give up along the way and one day we’ll realised we’ve grown, just like a little nut. To some, size doesn’t matter, to others, size does matter. But regardless of whether size matters or not, it is most important to take that first step and start planting that first investing seed.


As there is also this group of people who are looking to begin may be more elderly and may not be English educated, I’ve tried to write this series in both English and Chinese languages so that these people can benefit as well.



Now, to get started on Your Financial Journey here.

Click the following link if you have made the choice to Start On Your Own Financial Journey Now! or copy and paste the following link in a new browser

This link consist of all the topics listed below. To only access certain topics, then click the specific links below.

For Mandarin version 开始迈向更好的「钱」途, click here.


There are a few main components that we need to master in our investing journey. I hope to be able to cover these main topics.



Our thoughts lead our behaviour. Many times, fear paralyses us and stop us from taking the first step towards a better financial future. Therefore it is important to rid our mind of incorrect and negative thoughts and reinforce the correct ones.

To read articles on working with fears and having the correct mindset, click this link or go to



Greed often gets in our way and makes us lose money instead! Scams prey on people’s emotion, in particular, greed. It is not easy to prevent the emotion of greed from arising but we can definitely arm ourselves with more knowledge to prevent ourselves from falling prey.


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